Welcome to my website!

My name is Alyssa Mullins, and I have created this website as a form of motivation and support and a chance for people to share their experiences and stories. My goal is to bring awareness that people are not alone in their battle with mental disorders. Please, feel free to email me your story/advice/motivation and I will upload it, along with your name (unless you would like to be anonymous) and a contact email.Will be worked on daily! I am currently looking into an easier way to do it, for you guys to just be able to post without emailing me. Thank you!
Please report any problems such as website glitches to me!
Date began: March 2, 2017
Read stories here: alyssa-mullinss-first-project.webflow.io/stories

Know the signs of suicide.

You may not know it, but there are some visible signs of suicide. Knowing these may help you save yourself, or a friend.
Signs that a person may be assessing suicide are;
-Sudden lowered performances in school
-Lack of motivation
-Talking about death, or how they believe things would be if they were dead
-Becoming isolated from everything and everyone
-Self hate, or self harm
These are just several signs. There are millions more. If you notice any of these visible signs in you or a friend, seek professional help. There are other options.

Know this!

Whether it be professional guidance, guidance from a trusted person, or religious help, there is nothing wrong for needing help. You are human. Know you won't always be able to do it alone.
Here are a few links to most known hotlines for just about everything if you are in a crisis. http://www.crisistextline.org/get-help-now/

Need a pick me up?

Here are some downloadable photos giving you daily motivations and inspirations. I will change these as often as possible! Send suggestions!

Know your options. Get help now.

If you are in an immediate crisis, do not hesitate to call 1-800-273- 8255 (TALK)

Contact Me!

Share your story, motivation, or tell me about an issue to my site!

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