Shared stories :) 

Be considerate, and kind. Love each other and your stories.

I will first share my story, and hopefully people will add some besides mine!

My name is Alyssa Mullins, and I am 18 years old. I was born to a high school couple, only to be taken from one and placed with another when I was 2. When I was 3, my father decided to re-marry. Not only did I suffer emotional scarring, I suffered physical and mental scarring from my experiences from the ages of 3 to now. I have been in therapy for almost a year now, and I don't regret making the decision to seek help at all. I have been able to assess my disorders, which include Bi-Polar Depression, Panic disorder, extreme anxiety, PTSD and insomnia. I have been medicated, another thing which I don't regret, for a few months now. I can feel again, I can be normal. Of course, I still have my breakdowns, we all do, but seeking help can be a life changing experience. It helps. If I got through it, you can to. I love you all, thank you for reading! Remember, there is not a thing wrong with asking for help!

Another story! Thanks, guys!
By: Anonymous

As a child, and a young adult, I suffered through many, many traumas. Too many to tell. I am now 54 years old, and I am happy to say I am still alive, due to mental help, and my religion. I believe that you can get help if needed. You have many options. Help yourself, before worrying about anything else. Love yourself. Be yourself. Get on track.

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